Meet Jolleena, she was born on August 1, 2013.  She doesn't have any money and would do anything to look like a Sex Kitten.   With 0L in her pockets she begins her journey, her first stop is at JStyles where she is going to get free skin, shape, hair, AO, Eyes, Eye lashes,  nails, jewelry and a ton of clothing. All she has to do is join the JStyle group and then click on all the free items.  But as soon as she arrives there something magical happened...
Who knew her cute pink polka dot dress would attract so much attention. A man by the name of Archraf91 falls deeply in love with her. Can this be real? To meet the man of her dreams, her Prince Charming, a beautiful man willing to accept her as a newbie looking girl.  They became instant GF and BF...
[2013/08/11 08:56]  Achraf91: hi sweet girl
[2013/08/11  08:57]  Jolleena: Hello
[2013/08/11 08:57]  Achraf91: how are you
[2013/08/11 08:58]  Jolleena: I am good TY
[2013/08/11  08:59]  Achraf91: fine
[2013/08/11 08:59]  Achraf91: so i love  your dress
[2013/08/11 09:00]  Jolleena: This is a newbie look
[2013/08/11 09:00]  Achraf91: good
[2013/08/11 09:00]  Achraf91:  you are very sweet
[2013/08/11 09:00]  Jolleena: You want to be my BF?
[2013/08/11 09:01]  Achraf91: first i have to ask you a question
[2013/08/11 09:01]  Jolleena: ok
[2013/08/11 09:03]  Achraf91: can you be a naughty girl and a sweet girl
[2013/08/11 09:03]  Jolleena: What do you mean?
[2013/08/11 09:04]  Achraf91: oh this dress is beautiful
[2013/08/11 09:06]  Achraf91: i mean Affectionate
[2013/08/11 09:07]  Jolleena: You mean like fuck our brains out like animals?
[2013/08/11 09:11]  Achraf91: no not the same
[2013/08/11 09:12]  Achraf91: lets go dance
[2013/08/11 09:12]  Jolleena: Can I go shopping first and then we can go dancing?
[2013/08/11 09:13]  Achraf91: yes of course we do that

Jolleen's transformation is quite astonishing.  Unfortunately her new look cost her the love of her life.  While she was shopping Achraf91 cheated on her with an another newbie girl.  Jolleene believes Achraf91 fell for the girl's sexy red flashing shoes.  Heartbroken and very sad, Jolleen TPed to her next destinations:

Free group gifts: 4 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of boots, nail set and a jewelry necklace.
Free group gifts: over 12 outfits from gowns to jean outfits.
Sweet Hair 
For avatars under 30 days old, Sweet Hair lets you pick a style of hair of your choice for free.

Free hair gift (look for pink the gift bag). This is actually a great way to see what color of hair looks better on your avatar before you start buying a bunch of hair.

Free Group Gifts: lingerie and cute tops

Heart & Soul
Free Group Gift: necklace and earrings

Free Skin, shapes, hair. shoes. boots, clothing, skybox, jewelry, gestures, makeup...just too many freebies to mention here from miscellaneous designers around SL.

Above photo: Hair, skin, shape, jewelry, dress, eyelashes, eyes all from  JStyles for 0L.
Above photo: Hair, skin, shape, jewelry, eyelashes, eyes from  JStyles and outfit from Gizza for 0L.
Above photo:  Skin, shape, eyelashes, eyes and earrings from  JStyles,
Hair from Sweet Hair, Nails and necklace from Gabriel and outfit from Gizza all for 0L.
Above photo:  Skin, shape, eyelashes, eyes from  JStyles,
Hair from Damselfly,  Jewelry from Heart & Soul, Top from ModeMia and Pants from FabFree all for 0L.
Skin, shape, eyelashes, from  JStyles, Hair. jewelry, eyes, makeup and dress from FabFree, 
Mission accomplished, we've turned a Newbie Girl turned into a Sex Kitten on 0L
So I broke down several weeks ago and got me some Lolas!  I will admit that I was hesitant at first as it would mean changing my whole wardrobe and anybody who knows Nichelline KNOWS she has a crazy ass clothing inventory but I did it and boy oh boy it was the best decision I ever made.  I can't go back to my old tits anymore they just don't look right  ( o Y o )

I was warned that getting these puppies is quite an adventure and it was.  If your current skin doesn't offer Lola applicators well you need to get a new skin that does.  Sadly mine did not support Lolas and it made me VERY sad as I love my skin to death.   I went around for a week trying new skins with supporting Lola applicators and nothing made me happy, it just changed Nichelline too much and I was not ready to change my avatar's appearance.  I was just about to give up when I decided to try some of the demo skin applicators I had picked up along the way and lo and behold one actually complimented my skin perfectly as if they had been meant for each other so before you go spending tons of lindens on new skin I highly recommend you collect the skin applicators and check them out against your current skin. I will save you quite a bit of Lindens as some skin applicators can be bought for very few lindens and some are completely free.

Then came the fussing around with the Lolas. Trying to make them look and fit correctly on my chest.  Strangely, I did not fuss too much and managed to get them looking pretty damn good, I am happy with them and that is all that matters.  

Then the hardest part of all (yeah right) shopping for clothing that supports Lolas. Many designers have jumped on the Lola bandwagon and you can pretty much get a new wardrobe for very little but you do need to take the time to look.  There are so many freebies, lucky chairs and midnight madness boards out there giving out good quality clothing.  There are also Hunts specifically for Lola clothing. So, before you delete your old outfits, you may want to visit the store where you got them from as designers are making and selling Lola applicators for the old clothing and if you REALLY like an outfit but cannot find Lola applicators for them well you might be able to find something from another outfit that supports Lolas that will do just fine. Be creative and have fun with your Lolas ;-)


    Nichelline`s puppet master has been in SL since 2008.  She has been there done that and likely bought all the t-shirts in every color possible and matching pants, shorts, skirts, boots, shoes, jewelry...  LOL Does that qualify her as a professional blogger?  Fashion Critic? Wise Philosopher? Hell no but enjoy the posts anyways!


    August 2013
    July 2013

